About Us

Chest is a duo from Denmark consisting of Henry Marseen and Michael Lauridsen. The music can best be described as folk music without a country. The backbone of the songs are the lyrics and melody – often about life observed through atmosphere, moods and imagery. When warmly wrapping the lyrics with music, Chest follow their less-is-more rule: Only use what is necessary and let quality instruments fill the void. 

Both Henry and Michael are involved in the writing and recording process, but with different strengths and abilities. Henry works more on the “inside” with lyrics, melody and an idea of songs’ essence, while  Michael works more on the “outside” – bringing the songs their optimal sound in the real world with tempo, composition, recording and by playing most of the instruments when recording.

The duo met back in 1996 and formed their first band together – Atman & Rochester – in 2008. Here the songs were also self-written (many of them being re-worked in Chest), but with a full band line-up. After years of trying to make a name for themselves, the band dissolved around 2011. They also tried to play cover songs in bars under the name Drifters & Gentlemen – a project that ended after they were almost lynched in Fredericia.  After some years, with Henry recording a solo album and an EP without any success whatsoever, he once again reached out and asked Michael to play again to see what would happen. Lo and behold – the two found themselves giving new life to the songs – songs that seemed to evolve on their own. In the end they found that being only the two of them gave room for their differences to compliment each other and grew into Chest.